Page 27 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 27
Response Rounds
Give the group members a task/question to work on individually. Ask members to respond one at a time.
People are allowed to pass.
Record responses.
Repeat until people run out of responses.
Summarize each round of responses if it seems appropriate.
This is good to use if you expect a moderately high level of conflict to exist when the group discusses a particular topic.
It is also helpful when the majority of members share the same general opinion, or when quieter members are being pushed out of the discussion.
Improv Structures or Games
Structures can be adapted to be used while participants remain seated or completely moved into other areas of the room and variations in between. Effective and safe for:
Moving stuck energy
Surfacing information that isn’t being shared
Changing up the format to keep interest
Adding levity if needed
Total change of tactic that can bring a surprise of insightInfusion of creativity to see issues from a different angle
Building trust
There’s a need to be very comfortable with these structures and somewhat brave to move the group out of their comfort zones.
Examples of effective improv structures/games: Dr. Know It All, Interpreter, Poet, The Sphinx, World’s Worst, Slide Show, and a whole variety of Story Structures.
Individual "Post It" Moments
Have participants write down their perspective then share it out with the group.
Good for the quieter, more internal processing team members.
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