Page 43 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 43
Side Conversations: Call on them (rarely are folks trying to be subversive – usually just caught in the moment). Bring them into the full conversations. Reassure them their input is wanted and needed.
Give People a Heads Up: Instead of calling people out, give them a warning that you're going to ask them a particular question or turn to them soon. This helps people feel comfortable and allows them to be prepared to contribute. Saying the name first gives them time to think about the question. For example: "I'm going to call on Alex, Pat, and then Terry. I'd like to know your thoughts on...Alex?"
Use Your Team: If you're leading/facilitating and have a team, assign roles–someone to watch the chat, someone to mute people, someone to help with tech issues.
Chat Box: Guide folks to use the chat box to share their thoughts, ask questions, etc. Some people will feel more comfortable with that interaction. Have someone watch the chat box for you so that you don't have to split your focus.
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Remember it's about them. People will thank you for a well facilitated meeting.