Page 53 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 53

   􏰀 If mixed, how many locations? Each individual in their own space?
􏰀 Some in groups, some solo
􏰀 Facilitator with group or solo?
􏰀 Whose space is it? Neutral or no?
Webinar/Presentation at all?
􏰀 Live manipulation or sent, downloaded and guiding through?
􏰀 Video?
Combos thereof? External or internal facilitator?
􏰀 Is facilitator truly in charge? Frequency?
􏰀 One-time meeting?
􏰀 Daily or weekly meeting with same basic agenda?
o Choose a decision-making method BEFORE you need it. Have suggestions ready to
go for the session.
These are only some of the possible variations and considerations for the meetings and goals. With this variety, it is important to collect and make note of best practice structures that we have seen be especially effective.
I’ve decided where I will store these best practices I’ve started collecting best practices
􏰁 CONTINGENCY PLAN Be ready for things to go differently. Be prepared with a flexible mindset as well as creating pen to paper, tangible contingency plans.
􏰁 Have alternative activities to use if needed
o Ex: Small groups, improv structures, art supplies, etc 􏰁 Escape paths considered
o Ex: What can you cut and still get to necessary outcomes? Ways to get back on track
o Ex: Write out short scripts
Think through how key is client goal - if something comes up is it ok to go there
Be aware of the physical environment and how it can influence group behavior.
EX: Room size, absence of windows, table shape, type of chairs, temperature, etc.
You may be able to arrange things to provide for greater participant comfort and engagement. *
audiovisual needs
o distances between chairs
try arranging the chairs in a U-shaped semicircle
o with or without a table?
with the whiteboard/flipchart at the open end where are the windows and doors?
*If you do not have control of the room arrangement, take note of all the elements and how they impact the process.

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