Page 9 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 9

 The Why and How
of Advanced Facilitation Techniques
We want to move beyond facilitation basics, such as developing agendas and managing time. We want to cultivate the skills, self and group awareness, and flexibility necessary to facilitate effective collaboration.
An outside hand and voice of guidance and provocation yields results efficiently.
Keep meetings focused on the subject of discussion or on dealing with the problem at hand.
Drive the group towards common and individual goals. Help the group achieve useful outcomes.
Move meetings, processes, and/or projects along in a timely manner.
See and acknowledge individuals, their goals, and motivations. Suggest methods and procedures that may be challenging yet effective.
Protect all members of the group from attack – especially if subtle. Remind participants to consider the broader context of the issues. Help find solutions that work for all.
Make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and engage.
Provide a neutral perspective and manage the process. Periodically summarize the group consensus on issues to validate and clarify the progress of the discussion.
Help the group clarify its goals or desired outcomes.
Help group members use the same tool at the same time on the same problem to accomplish its goals or outcomes.
Be ready to help the group to change direction and redefine its goals and desired outcomes.
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