Page 10 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 10

 The Importance of Facilitator Self-Awareness:
Self-awareness is essential to being an excellent facilitator. Only when we know ourselves are we able to step out of the way and allow others to be themselves. We must be aware of our comfort zones, our “go-to” actions when uncomfortable, our buttons, our strengths, our biases, and why we are drawn to facilitation. As a facilitator you can use SCIFI: Self Aware, Curious, Intentional, For Impact.
  Self Aware
Self awareness comes from noticing and being mindful of how our identity, experience, and communication relates to and impacts other people. We want to pay attention with an open heart and mind.
What habits work?
What habits don't allow you to connect as effectively?
Be curious about your communication habits and the habits of others. Ask:
"Why do I respond that way in these kinds of situations?"
"What else could be going on with the other person?"
"How can I shift to land more effectively in this situation?"
For Impact
* See the Facilitator Self-Awareness Assessment in Appendix A
              Plan. Intention matters. Think about the person or people you will be speaking with.
What do you want from them, for yourself, for each other?
Think about and plan your words, tone, and non-verbals.
When you're self-aware, curious,
and intentional with your communication, you're prepared to land your message with impact.
  Take a moment to fill out the assessment.* It will remind you of what you already know about yourself and invite exploration into areas you might not have considered are of importance to you. You owe it to your groups to be aware of your defaults, aversions, and strengths.
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