Page 7 - MEP Workbook
P. 7
Physically Showing Up: Verbal, Non Verbal, and
When we walk into the room, our audience is already assessing our credibility or confidence based on our Verbal, Non-Verbal and Message. They are seeing us, listening to us and evaluating us from these three perspectives.
BeingConnected: Head,Heart,andSpirit
Most of us are hired for being smart. We fall out ofalignmentwhenweignoreourheartanddo notlistentoourgut,intuition,orspirit.Even though we may not think these elements are not as prominent in our leadership style, when we are not honoring them, we are not fully present and connected.
We have our own values that we carry throughout our lives. The dozens of other people we interact with on a daily basis also havetheirownuniquevalues.Itcanfeellikea gameofTwistertryingtomanageallthese together. When we do not honor our values or the values of another individual, we experience conflict. Vision is another area where we need to honor our creative nature . And purpose gives us a reason to show up every day as our complete selves.
LivingOurGreaterSelves: CoreValues,Vision,and
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