Page 13 - RACE HEALER Mag Volume 1
P. 13

Internalized Oppression                                                                Encoded over the years.

                                                                                          And like me it includes experiences of joy
           When a group is systematically mistreated over a long period of                   As well as traumas, hurts and tears.
           time,  members  of  that  group  may  internalize  the  mistreatment
           and unwittingly pass it on to others in their group. The internal-                               …..
           ized oppression installs numerous triggers, which can emotional-             The only solution is to push my own buttons--
           ly manipulate those who are oppressed to participate in and even                     The ones that say “RESET”.
           intensify their own oppression. This is true not only of the inter-
           nalized oppression of racism, but all other forms of internalized              We each have our own “RESET” buttons
           oppression such as sexism.                                                           That bring us back to ground.
           My work to overcome racism has helped me identify and root
           out many of my own triggers that have prevented me from being
           more effective in my leadership in overcoming racism. It has also
           helped me recover from some of the internalized oppression of
           sexism. Besides becoming a more effective ally in overcoming
           racism, I am braver, smarter and more effective in other areas of
           my life.

           Resetting Our Software

           In building alliances to overcome racism, we must remember that
           our triggers can coerce us to participate in oppression. While such
           triggers are not our fault, we have a responsibility to “reset our
           software.” The process of working to overcome racism and cre-
           ating a nation striving for racial justice, fosters our own empow-

           In closing, portions of the poem, For the Re-stimulated Co-Coun-                        They reboot our system
           selor by an unknown author, emphasize overcoming our triggers                          And allow us to carry on.
           by “resetting our software.”
                                                                                                  They clarify our thinking

                       The problem has to do with my software                               And the emotions old patterns spawn.
                    And programming that for years has been set.                       They are like the old computer key combination
                        It goes back to those early decades—                            We called “CONTROL, DELETE, and ALT”.
                          I have to step back and remember
                 That you are responding to your own programming               Healing racism frees your mind as it comforts your heart.

                                                                  Get to know the author

                                                                Rita Starr is dedicated to educating citizens to foster justice and overcoming all

                                                               forms of discrimination. She founded Healing Our Nation which gives people new

                                                               skills and understanding regarding prejudice and racism as it emboldens their

                                                               leadership and connects hearts. She has authored two books, Making Sense of

                                                               Racism and Spiritual Principles for Overcoming Racism.
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