Page 26 - RACE HEALER Mag Volume 1
P. 26

Being Peace  in  Troubled  Times

                                           Tips from  the  Race Healer

                                                             By:  Milagros  Phillips

          “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”                  With this as the background, tune into this practice.
                                              –– Mahatma Gandhi

          Life is like an orchestra with many instruments playing at the
          same time. At any given moment you can tune into the piano
          and all other instruments seem to disappear. You can tune into
          the violin and all other instruments just disappear. All of the
          instruments are still playing, but your focus determines what
          you  hear. So it is with life and the energies that surround us as
          possible states of  consciousness. All states of  consciousness
          are consistently available to us in  our  imagination  and are
          constantly at play.

             “Imagination  is  more  important  than  knowledge.  For
             knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the
             entire  world,  stimulating  progress,  giving  birth  to
             evolution.” Albert  Einstein
                                                                              TUNING INTO YOUR INTERNAL ORCHESTRA
          In possibility and imagination, all states of consciousness exist      •  Sit quietly and breathe deeply
          as a constant. Therefore, love, as a state of consciousness exists   •  Think of a word that makes you feel whole, words like joy,
          as a constant, peace is a constant, war is a constant, anger is a
          constant, joy is a constant, beauty is a constant. If you think of      peace, love, happiness.
          these  and  all  the  other  emotions  (energy  in  motion)  as     •  Notice how the word feels in your body.
          possibilities of consciousness that we carry within us, as well     •  Breathe deeply
          as energies that are available in the world, at any given moment    •  Allow the feeling to fill your body
          we can choose what we will focus on. In our imagination, we         •  Radiate  the  feeling  outside  your  body  and  let  it  fill  the
          always have the ability to what we will focus on.                       space you’re in.
                                                                              •  If you’re outdoors, let the feeling become one with the air
          If we think of the universe as an orchestra, and we imagine             that surrounds you
          states  of  consciousness  as  the  instruments,  at  any  given
          moment  we  can  choose  what  instrument  in  the  universal       •  Breathe deeply and let yourself melt into that feeling.
          orchestra  we  will  listen  to. At  that  moment,  no  matter  how   •  Stay in that feeling for a few moments and when you are
          brief  that  moment  may  be,  all  other  instruments  will            ready, bring yourself back
          disappear.  You  are  an  instrument  as  well  as  a  note  in  the   •  Become present to how you feel in the space, and breathe.
          universal orchestra. To play in harmony you need to listen to       •  All that the universe has a truly yours. Use your imagina-
          the sounds of the orchestra as well as the sound coming from            tion to access it.
          your instrument. The music you play has the ability to create
          harmony  or  dissonance. Harmony keeps your body alkaline,
          adding to your health and wellbeing.                                Practice being the peace you desire to experience in the world
                                                                              by tuning into the energy of peace. Peace is always available
          What makes you feel whole?                                          to you. Peace is always a possibility that is as close as your

          While what makes you feel whole changes from moment to              imagination. Imagination is one of those treasures that no one
          moment. However, if you can attune to what you need to stay         can take away from you. Use it to be the change you want to
          in harmony, you can live a happier, healthier life.                 see.
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