Page 24 - RACE HEALER Mag Volume 1 final draft
P. 24

Transfixed on  the Light

                                              By:  William Williams and Jasmine Thompson

          This project, entitled “Transfixed on the    not confined by the past) so that we might    spirit of growth that is necessary to move
          Light”  is  a  multimedia  project  which    build more genuine bonds with each oth-       forward.
          consists of an oil painting and an accom-    er. That’s when we realized this piece was
          panying video. The painting portrays my      meant to be something greater.                Our  hope  is  that  this  project  will  spark
          friend  and  fellow  classmate,  Jasmine                                                   meaningful  conversations  aimed  at  ac-
          Thompson. When I first approached her        “Transfixed on the Light” is not only  a      knowledging the dark history of our state.
          about being the model for this massive 5     portrait of Jasmine, but a portrait of our    The words we recite in the video are also
          ft. by 5 ft. painting, I wanted to use this   state that shows both where we’ve been       meant to be breathed into life by others.
          opportunity to not  only share my voice,     and where we’re going. Our state, North
          but for it to be a platform where she could   Carolina has a history of tonal variances.   By  personally  reciting  the  very  honest
          share  hers.  I  wanted  this  project  to  not   We’ve  experienced  many  highs  and     words of this video, you are acknowledg-
          only be my story, but our  story. We soon    many  lows,  but  in  order  to  move         ing  the  painful  truths  of  our  past  while
          began  talking  and  simply  sharing.  We    forward,    we    must    embrace    the      promising to do your part to improve our
          shared stories from throughout our lives,    differences  and  seek  to  find  the  com-   future.
          each    from     completely    different     monalities that unite us.
          perspectives.                                In the painting, Jasmine is turned away       In  order  for  change  to  occur,  we  must
                                                       from  the  darkness  of  the  history  that   have hope. I encourage you all to use the
                                                       haunts her, and her eyes are transfixed on    link below to watch the video and share it
          Soon I realized, although our experiences    the light that unites us all. The sun has     within your community using the #Trans-
          were unique, our ideas were largely the      set on yesterday. The darkest days of our     fixed on the Light.
          same. We both wanted to bridge a gener-      state are no longer. She is clothed in the
          ational divide and pave the way for future   color of our state flag, and the color of our   I truly believe this small act has the po-
          generations to work towards changing the     state  flower,  Yellow Jasmine,  surrounds    tential  to  ignite  a  spark  of  hopefulness
          social climate of our state (to one that’s   her - representing the renewed hope and       that can breathe new life into our state.

                                                                                   Get to know the


                                                                    Will Williams is a student at the College of Charleston and an alumni from the
                                                                    Academy of the Arts, Science, and Technology where he studied Advanced Art. In
                                                                    his work, he strives to convey concepts that he believes are essential for learning.
                                                                    His artwork is rooted in the landscape he’s been surrounded by living on the coast
                                                                    of South Carolina.
                                                                    “These scenic landscapes have stirred me to create artwork that juxtapose the
                                                                    beauty and charm of the South with the often harsh reality of what occurred on the
                                                                    very land,” he said.
                                                                      Jasmine Thompson is a senior at the Academy of the Arts, Science, and Technology
                                                                    where she studies Entertainment Technology. She plans to attend film school and
                                                                    pursue a career in the television industry.

                                                                    “The message of the piece is very important to me because we see so much division
                                                                    happening in this generation, and I believe that everyone has to find a way to come
                                                                    together and be unified,” she said.
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