Page 30 - RACE HEALER Mag Volume 1 final draft
P. 30

RACE- A Leader’s Role

                                                                 By: Milagros Phillips

           “It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that      Race is one of those things that is hidden just beneath the surface
           you begin to change, grow, and transform.” ― Roy T. Bennett         of your organization’s policies and procedures. It is in the biases
                                                                               of your managers and your supervisors, and it affects everything
           Race in the organization is one of those topics that stumps many    in your organization, from hiring to firing. It affects who is men-
           leaders. Is it my job as a leader to raise the topic? Will this cause   tored by whom, who gets promoted and how long the promotion
           me a problem? Will my board approve? Is it really an issue in our   cycle takes, and it affects your bottom line.
           organization? After all, we are a highly diverse organization, with
           an active diversity and inclusion team. We honor Black History
           month, and we are doing all the right things. Race is not an issue   As your organization’s leader, it’s up to you to have a conscious
           in our organization, or so it would seem. Ask your employees,       awareness of how race impacts your organization. No matter how
           and you may get a very different view, especially when you ask      much you have done to advance the diversity, equity, and inclu-
           your employees of color.                                            sion program in your company, if you do not address race, it will
                                                                               keep raising its head, most often in unpleasant ways, till you meet
                                                                               it head on.

                                                                               So, how do you address race in a way that leads to equity and
                                                                               healthy work relationships?
                                                                               •  Be willing to lead with race –– Look at the various ways that
                                                                                  race is affecting your organization. Be willing to lead the con-
                                                                                  versation on race.
                                                                               •   Ask questions of your employees –– Find out how race may
                                                                                  be impacting their work.
                                                                               •   Be willing to listen –– As a leader your time may be limited,

                                                                                  but this is worth your time and focus. Listen.
                                                                               •   Attend seminars and programs to enhance your race literacy
                                                                                  and share what you learn with your employees. When a leader
                                                                                  paves the way to equity the employees usually follow.

                                                             Get to know the author

                                                             Milagros Phillips is a speaker and the author of “11 Reasons to Become Race Literate,
                                                             a Pocket Guide to a New Conversation,” and “8 Essentials to a Race Conversation

                                                             & Manual to a New Dialogue.” She has been facilitating race seminars for more

                                                             than two decades. Milagros is the creator of Race Healer TV, Magazine, and Podcast.
                                                             She may be reached at
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