Page 229 - Reflections_over_Akamas
P. 229

To smile...

                                                             ...  is a conscious choice to welcome life. All of it. It’s not as impulsive as
                                                             laughter and, admittedly, not as overpowering as sadness. Yet, it’s a safe
                                                             space where peace and understanding are the currency of choice. And
                                                             while laughter is a self-centered outburst, a smile shines through as self-
                                                             reflective  yet  engaging.  It signifies presence, contentment, confidence,

                                                             friendliness. It’s encouraging! In current times, when depression is considered
                                                             an epidemic and sobriety a sign of wisdom, a smile dismisses gloominess,
                                                             it illuminates creativity and reassures us that nothing and no one has

                                                             power over us unless we choose to give it to them.

                                                             Well, I’ve survived, but I’m a long way from being saved. Nowadays,
                                                             when I recall that day, I smile at the irony of being trapped by the
                                                             same bush that seconds earlier had saved my life. For a split second, I

                                                             must have felt awe and gratitude for my body’s unimaginable power to
                                                             produce its own much-needed opioids. On the other hand, everything
                                                             was becoming so urgent that I was not sure which would run out first:
                                                             my mobile phone’s battery, my blood, the daylight or my senses.

                                                             I needed to relocate my right shoulder. Adrenaline achieved its painful
                                                             wonders. I pushed hard and I pushed even harder until an excruciating
                                                             crack announced my freedom. I managed to make myself visible to the
                                                             rescue team. Gravity had its way, but I was the one who greeted the

                                                             helicopter crew with a smile.

                                                             When  we  smile,  it’s  almost  as  if  we’re telling  ourselves  that  it’s  safe  to

                                                             think, to imagine, to grow. It’s an invitation to focus not on what’s going
                                                             wrong but on what can go right, in the moment. As an alchemical power,
                                                             smiling transforms bitterness into kindness, anger into understanding,
                                                             fear into love. It’s as if I may not be able to control what life brings me,

                                                             but I certainly have the power to choose the way in which I respond to
                                                             situations and circumstances. I don’t believe in imposing policies, but I do
                                                             believe in nurturing philosophies; and this can be achieved through the
                                                             power of a single smile.

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