Page 319 - Manual_Movie Edit Pro 2021_EN_Neat
P. 319
Keyboard shortcuts 319
Manage project
Add a new empty movie Ctrl + Alt + N
Remove movie from project Ctrl + F4
Export MAGIX movie file Ctrl + Alt + L
Export movie
Export as AVI Ctrl + Alt + A
Export as DV AVI Ctrl + Alt + D
Export as MPEG video Ctrl + Alt + P
Video as MAGIX video Ctrl + Alt + M
Uncompressed movie Ctrl + Alt + U
Video as MotionJPEG-AVI Ctrl + Alt + O
Video as sequence of frames Ctrl + Alt + E
Windows Media Export Ctrl + Alt + V
Video as MPEG-4 video Ctrl + Alt + G
Video as HEVC video Ctrl + Alt + I
Audio as WAV Ctrl + Alt + W
Export as transition Ctrl + Alt + T
Single frame as BMP file Ctrl + Alt + B
Single frame as JPEG Ctrl + Alt + J
Backup copy
Copy project and media into folder Alt + S
Copy movie and media into folder Shift + R
Movie E
Program Y
Proxy and preview rendering Alt + R
Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + U