Page 20 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 20

20      Getting Started

                       The SELECTOR TOOL can be used to select any object on the page, and to move
                        (just drag it), resize and rotate the objects.
                You can adjust the stacking order (that is whether an object appears in front or behind
                others on the page) using the ARRANGE menu options or right click and choose ARRANGE.
                With the SELECTOR TOOL you can resize objects by dragging on the corner resize
                handles. You can rotate any object by dragging just inside the corner selection handles.

                        Use the Text Tool to edit text and add new text. To add some text to your
                        document, select the TEXT TOOL and click anywhere on the page and start

                You can also create text columns, by clicking and dragging horizontally in the Text Tool,
                or text boxes by dragging diagonally. See the Text section below for more details and the
                Chapter Text Handling (on page 209) for a complete reference of text functions of Xara
                Designer Pro X

                        You can use the drawing tools to create rectangles, rounded
                         rectangles, circles and ellipses, and just about any shape you like
                        using the SHAPE TOOL. See the Drawing tools (on page 154) section
                        for more detail.


                All items can be placed into named layers.  Each layer can have any number of objects,
                and has the ability to be turned on or off. When the layer is turned off all objects on that
                layer become invisible.

                The PAGE  & LAYER GALLERY allows you to easily see and adjust the stacking order of
                objects and layers. Objects are listed in order from front to back in the gallery. See Page
                & Layer Gallery (on page 181) for details.

                      The layers are controlled from the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY on the Galleries bar to

                      the right of the workspace.
                In website documents, layers are used to provide mouseover (sometimes called rollover)
                features on your website. These include highlighting buttons (they highlight when you
                move the mouse over them) and also other pop-up effects. See the Web Graphics
                chapter of the help for full details.

                Stacking Order
                All objects on the page are placed one on top of another. The most recently drawn or
                created object is always on top, that is, in front of any others. You can adjust the stacking
                position by right clicking and choosing ARRANGE or using the ARRANGE menu options.

                For example, when you draw a new rectangle it always appears to cover all the objects
                behind it. By right clicking and choosing ARRANGE or pressing "Ctrl + B" (or the menu
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