Page 278 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 278
278 Text Handling
Line spacing
Line spacing allows you to change the space between two lines
(so affects vertical spacing).
Line spacing is measured in percentages (120%) or points (12pt). You can either type
the line space value in the text box or click the arrows to nudge the values.
A percentage setting has the benefit of scaling accordingly if you change your font size. If
a percentage is applied to a line of text with more than one font size, the largest font size
is used. For example, if a line contains 90% and 100% text, the line spacing is calculated
on 100%.
Indents and Outdents
Indent a paragraph of text.
Outdent a paragraph of text.
Paragraph Spacing
The last two fields on the end of the TEXT TOOL InfoBar allow you to set
the spacing above and/or below paragraphs.
This is particularly useful where you want half line spaces between paragraphs.
Like Microsoft Word, when you use both spacing above and below paragraphs, the
spacing between paragraphs is whichever is the greater value (it's not
cumulative). Paragraph spacing above paragraphs will move the first paragraph down in
a frame of text.
Keep With Next Paragraph
On the Advanced text bar - this is one of the PARAGRAPH OPTIONS - it's typically used to
prevent the heading preceding a paragraph appearing right at the bottom of a page, with
the first line of the following paragraph text appearing at the top of the next page. When
this option is switched on for a heading, the heading will flow to the next page/column if
there is not enough space for at least one line of text following it.
The option is on by default in the heading styles of all the blank print templates (under
"FILE" > "NEW"), so you don’t need to turn it on for new blank documents you create.
Whenever you have a print document with text flowing from one page to another, you will
normally benefit from having this option turned on for all your heading styles. To update
an existing document to use the feature, first select a heading and turn the option on.
Then update the heading style for that heading, using the update style option in the Text