Page 3 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 3

Measurement units                                                   57
              View quality slider                                                 59
              The constrain key                                                   60
              Galleries                                                           61
              Naming objects                                                      71
              Exports, slices, and stretches properties                           73
              Undo and Redo                                                       74

              Object Handling                                                     75
              Moving objects                                                      75
              Removing objects from the document                                  79
              Duplicating and cloning                                             80
              Moving objects forward and backwards                                81
              Rotating objects                                                    82
              Scaling (resizing) objects                                          85
              Stretching and squashing objects                                    89
              Skewing objects                                                     90
              Flipping objects                                                    91
              Feathering                                                          91
              Snapping                                                            92
              Guide Objects and Guidelines                                        96
              Grouping and ungrouping objects                                     98
              Editing inside groups                                               99
              Other types of groups                                              101
              Soft Groups                                                        101
              Alignment                                                          102
              Current attributes                                                 105
              Copying Styles: Paste Attributes                                   107
              ClipView                                                           107
              Repeating Objects                                                  109
              Live Copies                                                        112
              Auto-fit to page...                                                113
              Push objects                                                       120
              Adding Hyperlinks                                                  121
              Conflicts in page layouts                                          122

              Selecting Objects                                                  123
              The Selector Tool                                                  123
              Selecting objects                                                  124
              Double-click shortcuts to tools                                    127

              Shape Handling                                                     128
              Shape drawing tools                                                128
              Creating rectangles and squares                                    128
              Creating circles and ellipses                                      129
              SmartShapes                                                        130
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