Page 348 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 348
348 Photo Handling
When pasting in images from the clipboard, the same analysis is done and the image is
imported as JPEG if that’s appropriate. This is done silently with no prompts. This is
particularly useful when copying and pasting in images from web browsers because
although the images are often JPEGs in the web page, some browsers don’t
communicate this to the clipboard.
Initial Photo size
When you import a photo into a document, by default if it’s bigger than 500 pixels wide
the photo is automatically scaled down to 500 pixels. This is because it’s rarely useful to
drop a huge digital camera photo into a drawing document and have it displayed at its full
size, so it’s scaled down to a more manageable size. You can change this behavior on
the VIEW tab of the UTILITIES > OPTIONS dialog:
You can choose a different size to which photos should be scaled, or elect for them to be
imported at 96dpi (default screen resolution) so that at 100% zoom they are displayed at
1:1. Or you can choose to have photos imported at the dpi which is indicated in the photo
file itself. Note that some digital cameras set this dpi value wrongly and so this third
option may not always give you the results you expect.