Page 379 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 379
Photo Handling 379
You can get hold of the original photo from the .xar file by opening it, opening the BITMAP
GALLERY, right clicking on the photo and choosing the SAVE option.
In the Photo Editing tab of the "UTILITIES" > "OPTIONS" dialog you can choose to change
the saving behavior described above. You can choose to not have a .xar file
automatically saved for you into the Masters sub-folder, or you can choose to have the
original photo file saved there instead.
Note if you turn off this original photo preservation, you'll lose the original photo when you
do a Save!
"UTILITIES" > "BITMAP EDITOR" allows you to trace a bitmap, converting it to editable vector
shapes. The tracer is typically used to trace two types of artwork-photographs and simple
line art or logos. The tracer can be used for either type of work and selecting the correct
trace mode is the easiest way to control this.
Original bitmap
Traced output view
Bitmap name
Trace mode
Initially, the tracer shows:
• If there is a selected bitmap or, if you copied a bitmap from the BITMAP or FILL
GALLERY, that bitmap.