Page 107 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 107

Object Handling         107

              latter attempts to scale the shape smartly rather than just squashing all members of the
              group and is on by default.

              Then all you need to is to hold down the Alt key while performing the drag, or else un-
              check the SMART TRANSFORM option. Holding down the Alt key will toggle the existing

              Scaling using the mouse

              Drag one of the corner handles. The object scales as you move the pointer diagonally.
              The InfoBar shows the current scaling. The object will scale between the dragged handle
              and the opposite one. To use any other point of the object as the fixed point move the
              transformation center to it and use the InfoBar buttons to scale.

              Hold "Shift" while dragging to scale the object around its center. This works
              independently of the position of the transformation center.

              "Ctrl + drag" scales the object in multiples of its original size (x2, x3, and so on).
              To create a copy while scaling (leaving the original in place) right click, or press "+" on
              the numeric keypad.

              Dragging the side handles stretches or squashes the object. This is described in
              Stretching and squashing objects.

              Scaling using the InfoBar
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