Page 179 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 179

Shape Handling         179

              •  As you make the label text longer or shorter, the lines adjust their size to fit, without
                changing the width of the overall design.
              •  Drag the end handles to move the ends and adjust the length of the line, just as you
                do with arrows .

              Chevron Bar SmartShape

              The Chevron Bar is useful in presentations.  See "INSERT" > "SHAPES" > "ARROWS..."

              Chevron Bar smartshape

              Drag on the different handles to add/remove chevron shapes, re-order, change the arrow
              angles, etc. And of course just click on the text in the TEXT TOOL to edit the labels.

              Flowline SmartShapes

              Great for flowcharts, diagrams, exploded views, etc. The Flowlines behave just like
              Arrows, in that you can change the heads and tails, apply rotation, thickness and so on -
              as well as having 90° segments which you can drag to reposition. Find them in the
              Arrows folder - "INSERT" > "SHAPE" > "ARROWS…"
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