Page 186 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 186

186      Color Handling

                Advanced color operations

                      Click the SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS icon on the Color Editor to reveal the lower
                       part of the dialog that provides more options.

                       No fill color
                       Make named color local to Frame/Layer
                       Rename named color
                       HSV color values
                       RGB hex value
                       Color model (HSV, RGB or grayscale)
                       Color type: See Creating a Tint, Shade or Linked color (on page 194)
                Here you can enter precise RGB (or HSV) color values. The most common requirement
                for web graphics is to enter a hex RGB color. The H, S and V fields allow you to specify
                the color as HSV (hue saturation value) values in percent. In the # field you can enter
                RGB value in hexadecimal numbers (0-F).

                Also a 'No fill color' button and a help button is available here.

                Local colors and Theme colors

                Web Designer Premium has two types of color:

                •  LOCAL COLORS are used in only one place in the document. Each object has a
                  separate color and nothing is shared. This is useful if you want to change the color of
                  an object without affecting other objects. Local colors are the easiest method and best
                  for simple documents that use relatively few colors. "Applying color" and "Editing an
                  object’s color" above describe local color handling.
                •  THEME COLORS (OR NAMED COLORS) can be used again and again in the document. (As
                  such, they are like styles in a word processor.) Theme colors are used in templates
                  and assure a consistent look of your page elements like buttons or navigation bars.
                  Any edits you make to a Theme color are immediately reflected on all objects and
                  parts of the drawing that use that color. You can also copy Theme colors between
                  documents. Theme colors appear on the Color Line. If there are any Theme colors
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