Page 207 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 207

Text Handling        207

              To type a column of text:

              1.   Select the TEXTTOOL.
              2.   Move the mouse pointer where you want the column to start.
              3.   Drag right to create a horizontal line the width of the column. This green/red dashed
                  line just shows you the width of the column and the fact that the column is active. It
                  is never exported or printed.
              4.   Type in the text, the green/red dash line is replaced with solid red line. You don't
                  need to press "Enter" at the end of a line. When the text reaches the edge of the
                  column, it automatically flows onto a new line.

              NOTE: If you click away or change tools before you start typing, the green/red dashed
              column line will be replaced with a green line to indicate that you that you have an
              inactive text column. To reactivate the column just click on it again with the Text Tool, the
              line will return to its active state and you can start typing again.

              Instead of typing in the text you can create the text in a separate text editor or word
              processor, copy it to the clipboard and paste it into Xara Web Designer Premium. Copy
              and paste supports RTF-formatted text.
              Changing the width of the column

              Drag either of the two red handles at the ends of the line. If you switch to the SELECTOR
              TOOL and drag one of the corner control handles the font size will scale together with the
              size of the column.

              Changing the angle of the column
              "+ drag" either of the red handles at the end of the line to change the angle of the
              column. Alternatively, "Ctrl + drag" to restrain the line to the constrain angles. Or
              alternatively you can use the SELECTOR TOOL to rotate the object in the usual way.

              For more on constrain angles, see Introduction to Xara Web Designer Premium (on page
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