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Text Handling        227

              The settings dialog will appear, allowing you to control how hyphens are inserted into
              your document.

              You can decide the SMALLEST WORD to which a hyphen will be applied, and the position
              of the hyphen within that word.

              Adjusting the HYPHENATION ZONE will change the degree of "raggedness" before
              hyphenation is applied. So for example, with left justified text this would be the size of the
              margin to the right that would be empty without trying to fit in more text using automatic
              hyphenation. With right justified text this would be the margin to the left, and with fully
              justified text this would be empty areas - "rivers of white" between words.
              Increasing the zone allows less hyphenation - and consequently more white space. The
              Hyphenation zone can be expressed as an absolute value as in pixels, mm's, or as a
              percentage of the width of the text object (the default is 5%).

              Use the CONSECUTIVE HYPHENS fields to limit the number of consecutive lines ending in
              hyphens. The ATTENUATION setting creates a "soft" limit on this, so that you can set a
              balance between having consecutive hyphenated lines and lots of white space on
              following lines. A useful value is between 5% and 10%. Values higher than 20% often
              inhibit consecutive hyphens so much that they no longer occur at all.

              The final three checkbox options allow you to hyphenate ALL-CAPS WORDS, CAPITALIZED
              WORDS, and the LAST WORD IN A PARAGRAPH. These are options which you would
              normally leave unchecked as they generally look odd when hyphenated, but there may
              be instances where you want them to be hyphenated.

              Lastly you can create your own hyphenation list. Click on EDIT DOCUMENT HYPHENATION
              LIST...  to open the DOCUMENT HYPHENATION LIST dialog, and add words that you want to
              hyphenate in a specific way. Place a tilde (~) where you want the hyphen to appear. You
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