Page 235 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 235

Text Handling        235

               To change the tab type, click the tab icon on the ruler.
               The following custom tab types are available. You are not
               limited to just one type in a story, and can choose a different
               type then set additional tabs.

                    Left align: The text will be aligned with the tab to the left.

                    Right align: The text will be aligned with the tab to the right.

                    Center align: The text will be centered on the tab.

                    Decimal point align: The decimal points in the text will be aligned with the tab. This
                   is useful for lists and, however long the number, the decimal points  will be tab-

              You can also change the tab type after creating the tab stop by double clicking on it to
              open the settings Tab Stop Properties dialog, and changing the alignment there.
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