Page 370 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 370

370      Photo Handling

                •  In the SELECTOR TOOL either drag a corner handle to resize the image, or enter the
                  required width or height into the "W" or "H" field on the InfoBar. Check the image size
                  is correct at 100%

                •  Click the 'EXPORT SELECTION AS JPG' button  on the top bar.
                •  Enter a filename, Click the SETTINGS button if you need to control the compression, or
                  just click SAVE

                To save any image as a PNG go through the same process except choose the PNG file

                Photo Edit Attributes

                All edits performed using the PHOTO TOOL (on page 383), such as any altering of the
                brightness, contrast, color, blur or sharpen values, are all just stored on the photo as
                Web Designer Premium attributes.

                Just as you can alter the color of a shape or line without altering the underlying shape, so
                PHOTO TOOL attributes alter the visible appearance of the photo without affecting the
                original image (this is called non-destructive editing).  Another way of looking at this is
                that Xara Web Designer Premium just stores a list of edits applied to your photo, and you
                can change, remove or add new edits. You can always recover the original untouched
                photo, even after the brightness, resizing, even clipping or cropping.

                Attributes can be copied and pasted between objects. Not only does this apply to
                traditional attributes such as line color and thickness, it also works with all the PHOTO
                TOOL attributes. So this means you can easily copy all the enhancements made on one
                photo to any other using the copy / paste attribute feature.
                This also applies to all other attributes of the photo, such as line width and color, photo
                coloring (contoning), shadows, etc.; all these can be copied from one photo to another
                using the same technique.

                Editing the outline of Photos

                You can use the SHAPE TOOL (on page 155) to directly adjust the outline shape of a
                photo.  Similarly you can apply outlines the same way as for any shape, and shadow,
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