Page 38 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 38

38      Getting Started

                       When you replace an existing photo, the Photo tool is selected and the
                        smartphoto adjustment handles (on page 361) appear on the photo.
                You can use the adjustment handles to rotate and scale the picture, move it within its
                outline frame, resize the frame and even round its frame edges.

                Importing Large Photos
                When importing high resolution photos (anything above 1920 pixels either wide or high)
                into a web document, Xara Web Designer Premium automatically resizes the photo down
                to HD screen size without asking you if you want to import a lower resolution version. For
                a web document, even at the reduced size, there should be more than enough resolution
                in your photos for high quality results on your website, so it’s rarely necessary to import
                digital camera images at full resolution for web use.

                However, if you are importing a large photo into a print or animation document, Xara
                Web Designer Premium asks you if you want to import a lower resolution version of your
                photos. If your document is to include many photos, you may want to choose this
                reduced resolution option. Otherwise with large photos you may find that your saved
                design file is much bigger than it needs to be (because it contains a copy of each of your
                photos). And memory requirements when editing and exporting your document will be
                higher than necessary.

                The Photo Tool
                The Photo Tool provides a range of ways to enhance and crop any photo.

                      To crop a photo, just drag across the photo while in the ENHANCE PHOTO TOOL.
                       You can adjust the crop edges by dragging on the crop handles around the
                      outside of the photo.
                      Or use the CLIP TOOL for more control over crops.

                See the section on Photo Handling (on page 352) for background information on the
                advanced way in which Xara Web Designer Premium handles photos, and the section on
                the Photo tool to find out how to use the Photo tool.

                Thumbnail Photos With Pop-ups
                You can very easily create small thumbnail photos that when clicked will show an
                enlarged version. Simply resize your photo to be small, the usual way using the
                SELECTOR TOOL.
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