Page 407 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 407

3D Extrude Tool         407

              Initially, your extrusion is given a default depth. The face color of the 3D shape is
              determined by the fill color of the original shape and the color of the extrude (or side) by
              its line color. After creating an extrude in this way, move your mouse pointer around over
              the 3D object. You'll see that the mouse pointer changes as follows to indicate what will
              happen if you click and drag at any point:
                      This is shown when the mouse pointer is over the front or back face of the
                      object. Clicking and dragging rotates the object in 3D space.

                      This is shown when the mouse pointer is over the extrusion (the side) of the
                      object. Clicking and dragging changes the depth of the extrusion.

                      This is shown when the mouse pointer is over the extrusion and "Ctrl" is held.
                      Clicking and dragging changes the bevel size (see below)

              You can also rotate an extrusion by holding down the Alt key while dragging on the
              extruded side. This is useful when only the side of an extrude is visible and so you aren’t
              able to drag on the face in order to rotate it. As when dragging on the front face, Ctrl and
              Shift can also be used to constrain the rotation.

              Extrude Tool InfoBar

                    Extrude on/off
                    Slider type list
                    Slider and numeric value for selected parameter
                    Bevel type
                    Bevel size slider and value
                    Lights on/off
                    Rounded/mitred corner
              You can adjust a 3D extruded object by manipulating it directly on the page as described
              above, or by selecting it and using the controls on the InfoBar of the Extrude Tool.
              Turning extrudes on and off

                     EXTRUDE ON/OFF

              Once a shape or other object has been extruded, there are only limited modifications that
              can be made to the original object with the extrusion in place. For example, if you've
              extruded a shape, it's not possible to then edit that shape in the SHAPE TOOL (on page
              155) because it's no longer a simple 2D shape that you can interact with. However, using
              this control you can temporarily turn the extrusion off, so that you can see and modify the
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