Page 46 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 46

46      Getting Started

                Important: Grouped objects are usually converted into a single graphic object when you
                export your web page.

                By un-grouping (right click and choose UNGROUP or press "Ctrl + U"), you can access all
                the parts of your group again to make any changes. An alternative is that you can
                sometimes edit items directly inside a group. For example when using the TEXT TOOL to
                edit text or the Photo tool to edit a photo, a click will automatically select the item inside a

                Change or edit any of the separate colors used in a group by just selecting it and clicking
                a color on the color line, or bringing up the color editor. See the Replace Colors section
                for more information.

                Converting Text To Be A Graphic
                As mentioned above only a very limited number of fonts are available in web browsers. If
                you want to use a different font on a button or, say, as a heading, you can do this by
                ensuring it is converted to a graphic, and all you need to do is group the object to make
                this happen automatically. You can still edit the text inside the group, but groups are
                automatically converted into a graphic when the website is exported.

                So all you need to do to include a font like this is to group it. It doesn't have to be
                grouped with anything - you can group it with itself, by just selecting GROUP from the
                ARRANGE menu or pressing "Ctrl + G".

                Technical Note:  When such groups are exported as images on a web page, any text in
                the group is used as the HTML ‘Alt’ text on the image (unless you have explicitly set
                some other Alt text for the group yourself). This means that the text will still be picked up
                by search engines and by ‘read aloud’ tools used by people with restricted vision, even
                though the text does not appear directly on the web page. If you don’t want the Alt text to
                be set this way, you can override this by specifying some other Alt text for the group on
                the Image tab of the Utilities->Web properties dialog.

                Soft Groups
                There is another type of group, called a 'Soft Group', which is a more loosely connected
                set of objects. See the Object Handling (on page 92) chapter for details.
                Anchored Groups

                When you make an object anchored to text, it gets put inside an Anchored Group. See
                Anchored Graphics (on page 239) for more information on anchored objects.
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