Page 529 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 529

Menus and Keyboard Shortcuts              529

              Special characters (in Text Tool)
               Ctrl + Space                      Hard space (words with hard spaces
                                                 between will not wrap at the end of a line)
               Ctrl + NumPad –            –      EN dash  (An EN dash is longer than a
                                                 minus, and is a more correct ‘dash’)
               Ctrl +  Alt + NumPad –     —      EM dash (An EM dash is a long dash)
               Ctrl + Alt +.(Full stop)   …      Ellipsis (An ellipsis is three dots)
               Ctrl + Alt + C             ©      Copyright
               Ctrl + Alt + R             ®      Registered
               Ctrl + Alt + T             ™      Trademark
               Ctrl + Alt + B             •      Bullet

               Ctrl + C            Copy current or selected pages (with no objects selected)
               Ctrl + X            Cut current or selected pages (with no objects selected)
               Ctrl + V            Paste page(s)
               Delete              Delete current or selected pages (with no objects selected)
               Shift + Ctrl + Delete   Delete current or selected pages (with or without objects
               Shift + Ctrl + PageUp   Move Page Up
               Shift + Ctrl +      Move Page Down

               Mask Painter Tool                 Alt + F3
               Mask Freehand   Tool              Alt + F5
               Mask Rectangle Tool               Alt + F6
               Toggle Mask on/off                Ctrl + M or Shift + F1
               Invert Mask                       Ctrl + Shift + I or Ctrl + F1
               Clear Mask                        Ctrl + D or Alt + F1

               Color Editor                      Ctrl + E (opens and closes)
               Options dialog                    Ctrl + Shift + O
               Xara Web Designer Premium Help    F1
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