Page 539 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 539

Index      539

               Converting an existing website into a presentation                430
               Converting objects or drawings to bitmaps                         380
               Converting Text To Be A Graphic                                    46
               Coordinate Direction                                              500
               Copy (Edit control bar or Ctrl+C)                                 512
               Copying 3D extrude attributes                                     411
               Copying and pasting pages                                          73
               Copying Live Effects                                              397
               Copying Objects                                                25, 464
               Copying shadows onto other objects                                285
               Copying Shapes To The Mask Layer                                  299
               Copying Styles
                 Paste Attributes                                                124
               Copying text appearances                                          262
               Copying/Pasting formatted text (RTF)                              263
               Copyright                                                         532
               Core Principles                                                   459
               Create Bitmap Copy (Ctrl+Shift+C)                                 516
               Create Navigation Bar                                             517
               Creating a graduated color fill                                   265
               Creating a guideline                                              115
               Creating a presentation                                           428
               Creating a presentation from templates                            428
               Creating a shape                                                  139
               Creating a Soft Mask                                              297
               Creating a square                                                 155
               Creating a Tint, Shade or Linked color                            194
               Creating a website                                                 25
               Creating and Editing rounded corner rectangles                    155
               Creating animated GIFs                                            469
               Creating Buttons, Banners And Other Web Graphics                   47
               Creating circles and ellipses                                     156
               Creating holes in shapes                                          160
               Creating new control bars                                         507
               Creating new named colors                                         188
               Creating new Styles                                               253
               Creating New Text Objects                                          42
               Creating Number and Bullet lists                                  432
               Creating polygons and stars                                       157
               Creating rectangles and squares                                   155
               Creating RWD Websites from existing sites                         327
               Creating RWD Websites from templates                              326
               Creating Soft Groups                                              118
               Creating the animation                                            470
               Creating your own color schemes                                   187
               Creating Your Own Mouseover Buttons                               419
               Creating your own Navigation Bars                                 423
               Creating your own presentation from scratch                       428
               Cropping or clipping images                                       389
               Cropping photos                                                   371
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