Page 549 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 549

Index      549

               Placing objects onto the Guides Layer                             115
               Polygons or stars with rounded corners                            158
               Pop-up layer                                                      304
               Pop-up Layers                                                      61
               Pop-up layers and presentation layers                             435
               Pop-up photo                                                      304
               Popup Photo Options                                               312
               Pop-up Photos                                                      62
               Pop-up slider controls                                            386
               Preparing Your Photo                                              398
               Presentation website                                              307
               Preview Controls                                                  484
               Preview in Browser                                                471
               Preview web page (Shift + F5)                                     510
               Preview Website (F5)                                              511
               Previewing and testing Auto-fit pages                             134
               Previewing Your Website                                            25
               Previous & Next                                                   384
               Previous and Current color                                        185
               Print (Ctrl+P)                                                    512
               Print As                                                          491
               Print button                                                      489
               Print layers                                                      491
               Print Options
                 Output tab                                                      491
                 Print Layout tab                                                493
               Print to File                                                     490
               Printer… button                                                   489
               Printing                                                          488
               Profile                                                           279
               Program Layout                                                     18
               Properties button                                                 489
               PSD Export settings                                               481
               Publish Tab                                                       319
               Publish Website                                                   511
               Publishing to an alternative web host                             345
               Publishing to Xara Hosting (Xara-Online)                          344
               Publishing variants                                               330
               Publishing Your Website                                            62
               Push objects                                                      136
               Put to Back (Arrange control bar or Ctrl+B)                       515
               Putting shadows behind                                            412

               Quality (Standard control bar)                                    522
               Quick export of HTML and web graphics formats                     479
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