Page 113 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 113

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        11.   "Yes, Siree Bob!" is a catchy   __     __     __     __     __     __. phrase

        12.   Werewolves come out when the moon is in its full   __     __     __     __

               __. phase

        13.   Mother usually fries pork chops

               in      __     __     __     __     __maize oil.

        EXERCISE 60

                                                     czar        bar

                                          car                                mar

                              jar                                                        par

        1.     They drank a few beers at the bar __     __     __.

        2.     His sports    __     __     __car can go 150 mph.

        3.     The girls had some bees in a jar __     __     __.

        4.     Only very good golfers can shoot par __     __     __.

        5.     The walls were      __     __     __    __     __    __marred by crayons.

        6.     The emperor of Russia was called the czar __     __     __     __.

        7.     The windows needed     __     __     __    __bars to keep the burglars out.

        8.     People under 21 years old are      __     __     __    __     __    __barred from

               drinking alcohol.

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