Page 147 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 147

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

                            zest       wrest              guest       quest             breast

        14.   Sixteen      __     __     __     __     __     __guests were invited to the party.

        15.   Supposedly, Christopher Columbus's      __     __     __     __     __quest was to

               encircle the earth.

        16.   Without children around, life would have little zest__     __     __     __,    joy,
               and happiness.

        17.   After the cop       __     __     __     __     __     __     __wrested the knife from

               the mugger, he bopped him on the head with his billy club.

        18.   Fried chicken       __     __     __     __     __     __     __ breasts are delicious.

         EXERCISE 99

                                    let         get         jet        fret        bet

                        1.   When you    __     __     __ ,bet someone always loses.

                        2.    __     __     __ Get smart!

        3.     The fastest    __     __     __     __ jets can go over five times the speed of

        4.    __     __     __Let me go,   __     __     __ let me go—oh please won't

               you   __     __     __let me go!

        5.     The ad said, "Rooms to   __     __     __,let, Non-Smokers Only!"

        6.     Jane's mother began to    __     __     __     __fret when Jane failed to

               return home after school at 3 o'clock.

                                          net        met          set        pet

        7.     No    __     __     __     __pets are allowed in the zoo.

        8.     We    __     __     __met for tea yesterday afternoon.

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