Page 22 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 22

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        10.  From a look at the graph __     __     __     __     __,      it is easy to see that

              the city has grown considerably in the past twenty years.

        11.   The girls ate only a    __     __     __     __half sandwich each.

        12.  While running, Maya got a cramp in her calf  __     __     __     __.

        13.  After nursing for a few months, the     __     __     __     __calf   will be

              separated from its mother.

                                        gaffe      giraffe             carafe

        14.  __     __     __     __     __     __     __    __ giraffes usually grow

              to eighteen feet tall.

        15.  Their waiter brought them a carafe __     __     __     __     __
              __     of white wine.

        16.  Decorating the streets with Easter Bunnies at Christmastime was a       __

              __     __     __     __ gaffe that will not soon be forgotten.

        17.  Calling the principal “My lady,” was such an utterly ridiculous     __     __

              __    __     __ gaffe  that Joe will never live it down.

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