Page 143 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 143
Play Onwards Volume 1
13. For years, the man has __ __ __ __ __ __vended cigarettes,
candy, and newspapers on the same street corner.
cent dent pent lent Lent
1. Five __ __ __ __ __cents make one nickel.
2. Her car was only slightly __ __ __ __ __ __dented in the
3. Mr. James __ __ __ __lent his lawn mower to his neighbor.
4. While the Joneses were in Puerto Rico on vacation, their dog was
kept __ __ __ __pent up in a kennel.
5. __ __ __ __Lent starts forty days prior to Jesus's crucifixion.
went tent vent gent
6. The __ __ __ __gent wore a 3-piece suit.
7. The campers pitched their tent__ __ __ __ under a pine tree.
8. Did you notice which way the elephant went __ __ __ __ ?
9. An opening was made in the ceiling to vent__ __ __ __ the wood
scent bent rent meant
10. Bloodhounds can often pick up a scent__ __ __ __ __ that is days
11. The strongman bent__ __ __ __ the steel bar into a pretzel.
12. The house __ __ __ __ __rents for $1000 per month.
13. "No," is clearly what she meant __ __ __ __ __!