Page 120 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 120

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        7.     Watching TV for more than a few minutes per day is a bad habit that could

               __     __     __     __harm your ability to think critically.

        8.     Be careful, the    __     __     __arm of that chair is broken!

        9.     She could     __     __     __     __     __charm her husband to do anything she

        EXERCISE 69

                                            barn          darn           yarn

        1.     Twice daily the cows are milked as they feed in the barn__     __     __     __.

        2.     When the cat knocked over the milk pail, the farmer yelled, Darn
               "__     __     __     __    that blasted cat!"

        3.     Dad used to spin     __     __     __     __     __yarns about "his sword fights

               with pirates on the seven seas."

        4.     Grandma     __     __     __     __    __     __darned his sweater with Alpaca yarn

               __     __     __     __.

        EXERCISE 70

                                carp       sharp       harp        tarp               warp

        1.     She was forever      __     __     __     __     __     __     __harping on his

        2.     A    __     __     __     __harp makes melodious sounds.

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