Page 14 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 14

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        16.  He had a     __     __     __     __     __knack for fixing anything around the


        17.  Roosters crow at the      __     __     __     __     __ crack  of dawn.

        18.  The dilapidated     __     __     __     __     __shack  looked as though a strong

              wind might blow it over.

        19.  He said he was a doctor, but everyone knew he was really a quack
              __     __     __     __     __.

        20.  The painter put putty in the nail holes and plaster cracks __     __     __     __

              __      __.

        21.  A seismic fault is actually a      __     __     __     __     __crack   in the crust of
              the earth.

                       hack                 lack                pack

                                                                             whack          thwack

                                 sack                 rack

        22.  The training is hard and the recruits say they can barely

              __     __     __     __hack it, yet none of them has quit.

        23.  Susan       __     __     __     __      __      __lacked two points from getting an


        24.  A     __     __     __     __pack  of gum costs 45 cents.

        25.  Our clothes are hanging on a     __     __     __     __ rack to dry.

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