Page 119 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 119

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        EXERCISE 67

                                           snarl       gnarl             quarrel

        1.     All the Joshua trees along the coast are gnarled__     __     __     __     __
               __     __      from the constant ocean wind.

        2.     Several accidents caused traffic to become snarled __     __     __     __     __

               __     __.

        3.     Roommates, Jane and Norma, seldom       __     __     __     __     __     __

               __quarrel over trifling things.

        4.     The watchdog      __     __     __     __     __    __     __snarled at every


        EXERCISE 68

                               farm       charm        harm        arm                warm

        1.     "Old Mc Donald" had a farm__     __     __     __      and on his―farm __     __

               __     __.

        2.     The enemy soldiers were well armed__     __     __    __    __     and ready for


        3.     She wears a charm__     __     __     __     __     bracelet.

        4.     David has a rabbit's foot on his key chain as a good luck charm __     __     __

               __     __.

        5.     The guest said to the hostess, "There are many        __     __     __     __
               __    __     __     __charming women here at your party, but you are the most

               __     __     __     __     __    __     __     __charming of all!"

        6.     The weather is too     __     __     __     __warm for the snow to last much


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