Page 54 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 54

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        EXERCISE 22

                            brash        bash        gash        ash        clash       cash

        1.     Can you    __     __     __    __cash my check?

        2.     The mugger      __     __     __     __    __     __  bashed his head with a club.

        3.     “Can you spare some cash __     __     __     __?” asked the bum.

        4.     His checkered tie        __     __     __     __     __    __     __clashed with his

               striped shirt.

        5.     Their personalities clashed __     __     __     __     __    __     __; so, they
               avoided one another.

        6.     Many baseball bats are made of white      __     __     __, ash  a hard wood.

        7.     Now . . . listen for the      __     __     __     __     __clash of cymbals.

        8.     Everyone is invited to the       __     __     __     __  bash  at our house after

               the ballgame.

        9.     Although it was just his very first day with the team, he was so brash __

               __     __     __     __        as to suggest a new defense to the coach.

        10.   The hiker fell and     __     __     __     __     __    __gashed her leg on a jagged


        11.   Her bright yellow dress was certainly      __     __     __     __     __ brash for
               such a dreary day.

        12.   Their loud      __     __     __     __     __ brash behavior made all the other

               patrons feel ill at ease.

        13.   The       __     __     __     __  gash in her leg required 15 stitches to close.

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