Page 124 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 124
Play Onwards Volume 1
care fare flare bare blare dare
1. The nurses gave the patients loving care __ __ __ __.
2. The bus __ __ __ __fare from Washington to Richmond is $45 for
a round-trip ticket.
3. The flames __ __ __ __ __ __flared out of control.
4. The Indian brave rode his pony __ __ __ __bareback.
5. Her back pains would __ __ __ __ __flare up now and then.
6. On a __ __ __ __,dare she bungee-jumped off the bridge.
7. The economy did not __ __ __ __fare well during President
Carter's tenure.
8. Fire engines sped down 5th Avenue with sirens blaring __ __ __ __
__ __ __.
9. "Johnnie don't go out in the cold __ __ __ __,bare headed!"
mare rare pare scare glare
10. A large flawless diamond is very rare __ __ __ __.
11. “Ghosts can __ __ __ __ __scare the daylights out of you!”
12. The old grey __ __ __ __mare ain’t what she used to be!
13. The chef will __ __ __ __pare the rind off the oranges.
14. The __ __ __ __ __glare of the light bulb made the paper hard
to read.