Page 27 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 27

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        27.  Colored bulbs were hung on the Christmas tree, and swags__     __     __     __

              __    of evergreen were wreathed on the mantle.

        28.  High waves had the boat swagging __     __     __     __      __      __      __      __

              so much that we feared it would capsize.

        29.  If a dog does not    __     __     __ wag  its tail, you should not try to pet it.

        30.  The young     __     __     __      __wags were full of mischief and horseplay.

        EXERCISE 9

                          am         bam         clam        cram         dam               damn

        1.   Yes, I    __     __ am  going!

        2.   Beavers built a    __     __     __dam  in the stream.

        3.   The students stayed up all night to    __     __     __     __cram  for their

              physics exam.

        4.   The diners ate crabs, oysters and clams__     __     __     __      __.

        5.   The suspect      __     __     __     __      __      __      __clammed up, refusing to
              answer any questions about the break-in.

        6.   When angry, instead of saying     "__     __     __     __," damn  you could say

              "darn" instead.

        7.   __     __     __,bam__     __     __bam —the gun was fired


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