Page 87 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 87

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

                                               ache                   break          steak

                        26.  Don't    __     __     __     __     __break your neck, take it easy!

                        27.  The workers need to     __     __     __     __     __break for lunch.

                        28.  He hurried to the dentist with a tooth ache __     __     __     __.

        29.   She ordered    __     __     __     __     __steak with eggs.

        EXERCISE 43

                                    ale        kale        dale        gale        bale

        1.     __     __     __     __    __Bales of hay were stored in the barn loft where it
               will stay dry.

        2.     The man normally drank beer, but tonight he ordered ale__     __     __


        3.     You better not go sailing today because    __     __     __     __gale winds are


        4.     __     __     __     __Kale is used to make sauerkraut.

        5.     They rode horses over the hills and through the dales__     __     __     __


                                                          The Red Well-Read Writer!

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