Page 139 - Work On Words Volume 1_Classical
P. 139
Exercise 176
flit grit hit chit sit writ
a bill or tab; small piece of paper __________
pluck, courage, backbone __________ be seated __________
a legal order or decree __________ to strike __________
to move as a butterfly; dart, flutter __________
sand, gravel __________ dirt __________
lit knit kit pit quit
sew, stitch __________ a young fox or a kitten __________
like a seed __________ lighted __________
to give up, stop, resign __________ a deep hole __________
a small bag or pack (for bandages or tools, etc.) __________
split slit spit whit mitt
move apart __________ to cut open __________
to separate __________ baseball glove __________
spittle, saliva __________ a sand bar __________
a tiny amount, iota, bit, jot __________
a rod on which to roast (a pig, chicken) __________