Page 32 - Play Onwards Vol. 1e_Neat
P. 32

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        19.  Year after year, Reverend Jones gave the same vamped __     __     __     __

              __    __ -up sermons that we have come to learn by heart.

        20.  She was reviled for      __     __     __     __      __      __      __vamping up

              rumors about girls of whom she was jealous.

        21.  Because the wooden bleachers had begun to rot out, the school decided that

              it would       __     __     __     __      __      __revamp the entire stadium.

        22.  In the railroad yard there are several tramps__     __     __     __     __      __

              who sleep in empty box cars.

        EXERCISE 11

                                    an         ban         bran         can         clan

        1.     Liquor has always been      __     __     __    __     __     __banned in

               Washington County.

        2.     Beer is sold in glass bottles or aluminum cans __     __     __    __.

        3.     __     __     __     __bran  is a cereal that has plenty of fiber.

        4.     The show was not funny, and if it weren't for the claque's canned,__     __

               __   __     __     __      laughter, there wouldn't have been any laughter at

        5.     The whole     __     __     __     __clan  ― brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles,

               cousins — all gathered in Chicago for their family reunion.

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