Page 68 - TRWRR 11-11-20_Neat
P. 68

The Red Well-Read Reader

        Story 91


        "You're a bit dense!" one knight said to another.                This caused the latter to take

        of•fense, actually he was in•censed. He bellowed out, "MY HONOR NEEDS

        DEFENSE !"

        As the fight was about to com•mence, the former got tense.                       He pled, "What I

        said was utter      non•sense, not making a lick of sense.            Please, won't      you excuse

        my im•per•ti•nence?"

        The latter answered, "Now that's showing good sense, but another slight to my
        in•tell•i•gence will spell blood as your grave, grave con•se•quence.”

        Story 92

                             The Comely Wench

        One upon a time ago a young boy fell for a comely

        French wench. Her dev•as•ta•ting beauty made him

        blench. For days on end he dreamt of nothing                    but

        having her in his clench, in the park on a bench. He

        thought  he'd  never  quench his  thirst  for  this

        beautiful wench.

        Be that as it may, when he nearly had her in his clench, he fell plumb

        backwards off the bench, repelled by cheapest, rankest perfume stench.
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