Page 79 - TRWRR 11-11-20_Neat
P. 79

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                        Story 113

                                                                                                 O‛Neill‛s Spiel
                                                      - ..
                                                        .... ; .... ,
                                                     --. ·:··  ...

                                                                                For    the    good    of   the

                                                                                commonweal I make this

                                                                                earnest appeal to strike

                                                                                up a workable deal –

                       One that is just – not unreal,

                       One that shall make our e•con•o•my heal.

                       All taxes we shall repeal,

                       Except for one we’ll double on steak and veal.

                       On this proposal we should place our state seal,

                       Doing it with utmost zeal.

                       Now, let’s let the bells ring out a joyous peal!

                                                                                                        Story 114

                                                                                           On the Battlefield

                                          Far  from  chesterfield,  upon  the  barren  weald was  the

                                          knights’ chosen battlefield.

                                          They  would  fight  to  avenge  sores  that  for  years

                                          remained  unhealed.           They  dressed  in  armor  shield,

                                          bandying swords that would skillfully wield.

                                          As one advanced, the other reeled. Neither would yield.

                                          So back and forth it went ‘til one finally keeled.
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