Page 19 - TRWW Book One
P. 19

Strategic               38. Love in Second Grade               81.   The Winning Edge

                    Word-Attack                39. The Overpaid Maid                 82.    Theft Doesn’t Pay
                                                                                            Crazy Meg
                                               40. The Waif
                       Stories                 41. Sage Counsel                      84.    A Life That Jells
                                               42. Jake’s Wake                       85.    The Creator’s Realm
        1. Nabbed                              43. A Whale of a Tale                 86.    Badly Belted
        2. The Wacky Hack                      44. To Jail                           87.    Bad for her Health

        3. Tact                                45. Football Fame                     88.    To the Heavenly
        4. Brad                                46. The Lame Game                                 Diadem
        5. Madge                               47. The Crazy Dame                     89. Tempted
        6. A Hearty Horse Laugh                48. Saving His Brain                   90. The Fox’s Ken
        7. Daft                                49. Impoliteness Reigns                91.   Incensed
        8. The Nag & the                       50. On the Range                       92.   The Comely Wench
            Scalawag                           51. The Habit of the Saint             93.   We Depend On Mom
        9. The Exam                            52. Don’t Jape the Ape                 94.   Pent Up
        10. The Little Tramp                   53. Faced With Fattening Paste         95.    As the Lion Leapt
        11. Legend of Dan McGann               54. A Spate of Prate                   96.   A Financial Mess
        12. To France                          55. Wait On & Weight Off               97.   Thresh These Over
        13. On the Ranch                       56. Scathed                            98.    A Grand Quest
        14. A Grand Band                       57. The Brave                          99.    Brett’s All Wet
        15. Fang                               58. Really Fazed                       100.   Make a Good Catch
        16. In the County Tank                 59. Praise the Lord                    101.   After Abel’s Death

        17. Who Can’t                          60. The Bizarre  Czar                  102.   A Hex On Tex
        18. Viciously Slapped                  61. Catch the Barbs                    103.   Teed Off
        19. A Behavioral Lapse                 62. March to the Golden Arch           104.   Bugged by a Flea
        20.Tongue Trapped                      63. Larded With “Ards”                 105.   Impeached
        21. Ass to Sass                        64. Arf, Arf                           106.   The Prayerful
        22.Succotash                           65. Sarge and Marge                                Swede
        23.Next Time You’ll Ask                66. Noah’s Ark                         107.   All I Need
        24.A Chasm                             67. A Quarrel                          108.   In League
        25.Death by an Asp                     68. Farming                            109.   The Horse Thief
        26.Last                                69  A True Yarn                        110.   No More Leeks

        27.A Brat                              70. The Jew’s Harp                     111.   A Bird Unique
        28.The Catch                           71. Is School a Farce?                 112.   Miss Beale
        29.Mother’s Wrath                      72. Art Can Make You Smart             113.   O’ Neil’s Spiel
        30.What  Do    We Have?                73. Marv and Harve                     114.   On the Battlefield
        31. Tax Time                           74. The Hare & the Mare                115.   Steamed
        32.The Razzmatazz                      75. Beware of Bear                     116.   The Wrong Theme
        33.On the Quay                         76. Love at the County Fair            117.   Our College Dean
        34.Fay’s Fey                           77. The Deb’s Web                      118.   The Queen
        35.Neighing and Braying                78. Rebecca                            119.   Little Bo Peep
        36.Ace                                 79. A Collection                       120.   The Jeep
        37.The Dog Chase                       80. Not a Shred of Sense
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