Page 15 - VI DERM BOOK COM (002)_FINAL
P. 15
chemical peeling
The success of a peel is also highly dependent on maintaining a low internal body temperature. This might not be
intuitive or immediately apparent to a patient, so it’s important to stress this element of post-peel care with them. For
96 hours after their treatment, they should refrain from any activity might elevate their internal body temperature. That
includes exercising, baking, cooking over a hot stove, going into a sauna, indulging in hot or alcoholic beverages, etc.
They should also avoid environments where the temperature is higher than their body surface temperature, which is
typically a few degrees lower than their internal temperature. Any excess perspiration resultant from these activities or
environments can induce blistering and increase the risk for PIH.
Patients should understand that a chemical peel is a controlled burn to their skin. By following strict post-peel safety
guidelines, they maintain the integrity of that medical control. When they don’t follow these standard safety procedures,
however, they risk losing that medically precise control and subsequently open up the door to adverse side effects.
Clearly explaining these temporary lifestyle modifications with the patient ensures a greater likelihood of successful
Patients might experience itchiness in their treatment area Patients should be instructed to resume their
after their peel. This is entirely expected and is the body’s regular skincare regimen once their skin has ceased
natural response to skin regeneration. exfoliating. In order to prolong their results and avoid
hyperpigmentation, they should use VI Derm skincare
The post-peel kit includes a repair cream with 1% products. Patients with Fitzpatrick skin types IV–VI should
hydrocortisone that patients can apply every two hours also incorporate a retinoid cream in addition to their
to alleviate itchiness. If they’re still itchy after applying pigment suppression products.
the ream, advise them to take an over-the-counter
antihistamine as directed for 2–3 days. THE SUCCESS OF A VI PEEL TREATMENT IS DEPENDENT
Sometimes, the post-peel towelette can directly cause REGIMENTED MAINTENANCE.
itchiness. Let the patient know that if they experience
itchiness after using their towelette, they can simply wash
it off. It’s also common for patients to experience itchiness
specifically on their neck. In many cases, this is because
the patient is wearing a scarf or high-necked top that’s
irritating their skin. Ask them if this might be the case,
and advise them to apply VI Derm Post-Treatment Repair
Cream to the affected area.
Cases of extreme itchiness can sometimes be caused
by a patient having an allergic reaction to an ingredient
in the peel. If this is the case, contact your medical
director immediately and review the patient’s intake
form for allergies to retinoids, aspirin, vitamin C, phenol,
hydrocortisone, kojic acid, hydroquinone, and TCA.
Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the
body’s tissues, and manifests as puffiness in the skin.
It’s not uncommon for patients to develop some edema
around their eyes after their VI Peel. Patients can mitigate
edema by taking ibuprofen as directed, applying a cool
compress to their face, and sleeping with their head
slightly elevated. Discomfort typically subsides POST-TREATMENT REPAIR CREAM
within 24–48 hours.