Page 30 - VI DERM BOOK COM (002)_FINAL
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                                                                    •  Allergies: Aspirin or Phenol
                                                                    •  General Conditions: Pregnancy or Breastfeeding
             PATIENT SELECTION                                      •  Disorders or Diseases: Immune Disorders, Liver
                                                                      Conditions, Active cancer treatments including
             •  Active Acne                                           chemotherapy or radiation in the past 6 months
             •  Breakout-Prone Skin                                 •  Skin Conditions: Inflamed skin, Open wounds,
             •  Oily and Congested Skin                               Active cold sores, Accutane use within past 6 months
             •  Teen Acne                                           *For additional guidelines, please refer to page 78.
             •  Elevated Sebum Production, common in                 Review any contraindications with patient and have consent
               Hispanic and Middle-Eastern Patients                  form completed and signed with each treatment.  It is highly
                                                                     recommended you also take photos of the patient before each

             VI PEEL PURIFY APPLICATION - TO BE APPLIED IN          1st Pass - Apply solution using medium pressure
             A PRACTITIONER’S OFFICE ONLY                           Fold the 2x2 gauze in half. Dip a portion of the gauze
             STEP 1 - CLEANSE                                       in the solution and squeeze out excess solution. Gauze
                                                                    should be saturated but not dripping. Start at the
             Cleanse the patient’s skin using the VI Derm Gentle    forehead and apply peel with medium pressure, working
             Purifying Cleanser and make sure all makeup and surface   down the face and neck area. Avoid the periorbital
             oils have been thoroughly removed.
                                                                    area until the last pass.
             During the cleansing take a moment to educate your     Once the first pass has been applied allow 60 seconds
             patient on their current skin condition and what they can   between passes and assess patient’s skin response, pain
             expect during the post peel phase. For example, if you   level and rate of product penetration before proceeding.
             feel congestion under the skin during cleansing, let your   Reassess skin after each pass.
             patient know that the peel will expedite cell turnover and
             their skin will release the congestion under the skin.  2nd Pass - Apply solution medium to firm pressure

             STEP 2 - DEGREASE & PREP                               Apply solution with firmer pressure. If frosting is observed,
                                                                    the application can be slowed down and more time allowed
             Each VI Peel Purify Kit contains 1 Acetone Prep Towelette.   between passes. For Fitzpatrick I-III you may apply one
             After cleansing, degrease all areas on the skin where the   more layer for Level 1 Frost. For Fitzpatrick IV-VI avoid that
             VI Peel Purify solution will be applied. It is important to   area and continue with the rest of the face or target area.
             remove all oils from the stratum corneum for optimal peel
             penetration. Once degreased, the skin should be matte   3rd Pass - Apply with firm pressure for deeper
             with no sheen present. For those patients with oily, thick,   penetration
             or acne-prone skin, it is recommended to do extra passes
             using 100% pure acetone.                               When applying firmer pressure, especially to the areas of
                                                                    concern, such as the fine lines, wrinkles, rough texture or
             Apply a barrier ointment over any semi-permanent or    hyperpigmentation.
             permanent makeup as well as over piercings or any
             areas of open or excoriated skin. Use sparingly and avoid   4th Pass - Most likely the last pass (varies from
             sweeping barrier ointment onto other areas of skin.    patient to patient)
                                                                    Continue layering the VI Peel Purify until you have used all
             STEP 3 - APPLY VI PEEL PURIFY                          of the solution.

             Use caution when opening. Remove the top. Point the vial   Eye area application - To be completed on the
             away from you and your patient. With your thumb over   last pass.
             the top, remove metal seal and gently remove the stopper.   For the under-eye area, inform the patient to look upward
             Pour the entire solution into the provided applicator cup.   and lightly apply peel solution from the inner canthus to
             Remove the 2x2 gauze from packaging and have it ready   outer canthus. Avoid contact with lash line and ocular area.
             for application. You may have a fan available for your   For the upper eyelid/brow bone area, have the patient
             patient for comfort.                                   close their eyes and lightly apply solution.

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