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introduction                                           The Vitality Institute, provides six specifically formulated
                                                                    medical-grade peels to address a variety of skin
                                                                    concerns, including skin rejuvenation for anti-aging,
             TO THE VI PEEL PORTFOLIO                               hyperpigmentation, acne, and acne scarring.

             According to the American
             Academy of Dermatologic
             Surgery (AADS) 2019 Consumer
             Survey, the following percentage                                                       64%
             of the population is somewhat or                                                       LINES AND
             extremely bothered by:                                                                 WRINKLES IN
                                                                                                    FOREHEAD AREA

                                   70%                                                       61%

                                  LINES AND                                                  LINES AND
                        WRINKLES AROUND/                                                     WRINKLES BETWEEN
                                UNDER EYES

               ACNE SCARS

                                                                                                     SKIN TEXTURE AND /
                                                                                                     OR DISCOLORATION
                              WRINKLES AND
                                FAT ON NECK

             THE VI PEEL PORTFOLIO IS                               In addition, the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic
                                                                    Surgeons (ASAPS) annual report also showed that
             SUITABLE FOR A VARIETY                                 chemical peels were among the nonsurgical procedures

             OF SKIN TYPES AND                                      that saw the most significant increases (up 15.9%) in 2018.
                                                                    By adding the VI Peel Portfolio, a practice can address
             ADDRESSES VARIOUS SKIN                                 important patient concerns, including those with darker

             CONCERNS                                               skin tones, and create opportunity to provide options in
                                                                    this growing area.

             The VI Peel Portfolio includes all medical grade peels, which can penetrate to the
             papillary dermis and offer a variety of benefits:

             •   Obtain excellent results without significant side effects of a deep peel
             •   Longer lasting results than superficial peels
             •   Controlled to epidermis and papillary dermis, resulting in specific regenerative changes
             •   Can be performed in a single session with results in as little as 7 days

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