P. 3

the Cambrian School

                                           M         orning is the perfect time

                                                     to revive the learning,
                                                     take in inspiration and
                                           begin your day with positivity. As
                                           the students walk into the school
                                           campus the  first activity that kick

                                           starts the day are the Special
                                           Morning Assembly.
                                           In the serene hours of the morning,
                                           the students are made to assemble
                                           on the ground and pray to the Lord
                                           for their guidance and wisdom. The
                                           prayer is followed by thought of the
                                           day, word of the day, News, skits,
                                           displays of slogans, importance
                                           of special days, speech, songs and
                                           National Anthem. Many special as-
                                           semblies were conducted in these
                                           months like, Ramnavmi, Ambed-
                                           kar Jayanti, Mahavir Jayanti, Vishu,
                                           Good Friday, Baisakhi, World Heri-
                                           tage Day, National Civil Service Day,
                                           Earth Day, Unity in Diversity, True
                                           meaning of Feminism, Labour Day,

                                           Eid ul fitra, Mother’s Day and Rabin-
                                           dra Nath Tagore Jayanti.
                                           Very often the assembly is ad-
                                           dressed by the Principal Sir, Vice
                                           Principal ma’am and the co-ordina-
                                           tors. All of the activities conducted
                                           in the Special morning Assemblies
                                           contribute to increasing the ener-
                                           gy of the students preparing them
                                           for the day with enthusiasm and
                                           making them stay connected to the
                                           moral values.

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